Schulbesuch im Humanistischen Greifenstein Gymnasium Thum

On June 18, 2024, DAIS’ interns Mim and Elle traveled to Thum in the Erzgebirge to speak to 10th-grade students at the Humanistisches Greifenstein Gymnasium Thum. They held a presentation, which illustrated their own experiences. Mim and Elle talked about their hometowns, their experiences, what an American High School is like, and what an American university is like. The students were engaged and asked questions.  They discussed their own experience in a German High School and the differences between their school and a typical American school. 

When the presentation finished, multiple students came up to the front to ask more questions and were interested in cultural norms in America. They were curious about possibly attending an American university as exchange students.

Thanks to Humanistisches Greifenstein Gymnasium Thum for having us!

If you are interested in studying in the US, reach out to our EducationUSA team! We can help you.

event, neuesEric Fraunholz