Our Transatlantic Educators Fellow Emily visits Gymnasium Marienberg

On March 11, our Transatlantic Educators Fellow, Emily, visited Gymnasium Marienberg. Read her short report below.

Students in grade 12 at the Gymnasium Marienberg read the book, The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas and asked me to talk about minority groups in the United States.

Having worked with some minority student populations at a Title-1 school in Wisconsin, I was able to speak about my experience in the classroom. Then, we focused on a case study of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one of the most segregated cities in the United States today.

Together the students and I looked at maps, indicators, and pictures that showed Milwaukee’s history. One of the main points we talked about was the difference between de facto segregation, which is ensured by circumstance and societal pressures, and de jure segregation, which is segregation by law.

I was able to share my personal experiences and stories from when I interviewed Civil Rights leaders from Milwaukee during high school. At the end of the session, the students and I discussed racial tensions in Germany and some of things we can do to be allies.

The Transatlantic Educators Fellowship strengthens transatlantic perspectives in classrooms with a resourceful group of transatlantic educators.
The program facilitates a network to connect and encourage transatlantic dialogue at schools in Central Germany.

Find out more about the Transatlantic Educators Fellowship 2022 here!