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Ukraine on our Minds: Transatlantic Conversation Series Vol 1.

A collaboration between German-American Institute Saxony, in collaboration with Ohio University

with input from Prof. Chris Ankersen, NYU

and Prof. Matthew LeRiche, Ohio U

in conversation with journalists, students, teachers, NGO practitioners, and researchers from Mitteldeutschland

Friday, March 25, 2022

6-7 PM CET

at Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Sachsen (invitation only)

and via Zoom (for the Zoom link, please sign up below)

7-8 PM

Informal reception and space to exchange thoughts and ideas

at Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Sachsen (invitation only)

The ongoing war in Ukraine has left many distorted, distraught, and with questions. Especially after years of a global pandemic, open warfare in Europe marks another tragic development that is new and unique, especially for younger demographics. At our Transatlantic Conversation Series, Vol. 1: Ukraine on our Minds, the German-American Institute Saxony (DAIS) invites local and young community members to discuss the war in Ukraine. 

The event brings together transatlantic experts, teachers, students, journalists, activists, and more to voice their thoughts, gather, and hear the grievances of all affected. It will be split into two portions: (1) In a panel format, together with our partners at Ohio University, we will be discussing the conflict from a political transatlantic EU/US lens with participants from both the US and Europe. (2) In-person participants will then move into a more casual discussion format where everyone can touch base on any aspects of the war and connect with one another. 

Our conversation event brings together a broad variety of community members. Teachers will speak about students’ worries in their classrooms. Journalists will share perspectives on investigating the developments in recent weeks. Students will share their opinions. Professors will provide context and overview on the unfoldings and activists to share their work thus far. Of course, special attention will lay on the experiences of our Ukrainian and Eastern European friends in the room.

About the Transatlantic Conversations Series 

The Transatlantic Conversation Series at DAIS regularly provides a space for exchange, debate, and discussion among members of civil society on both sides of the Atlantic. We bring together young audiences that include students, activists, teachers, young professionals, journalists, and more to reflect and share observations on global issues from regional perspectives. That way, our transatlantic conversations strive to promote mutual understanding and to benefit the exploration of best practices to address common challenges both in the US as well as in Europe.

About DAIS 

The German-American Institute Saxony (DAIS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening Saxon-American, German-American, and European-American dialogue at the cultural and university level. We stand for a liberal-democratic political culture in Saxony, Central Germany, and beyond. DAIS is the first institution of its kind in the former eastern part of Germany. Our project Mitteldeutschland in der Welt is an initiative to promote exchange between global and regional perspectives. Together with students, practitioners, diplomats, experts, and many more we are finding ways to connect international affairs with ideas in the region to address global challenges and their regional implications.n