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The China Shock, the Climate Shock, and the Transatlantic Relationship in the 2020s

Lecture Series on the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship

First Event: The Global Economy of the Transatlantic Relationship

Prof. Philipp Richter, Technical University Dresden

Prof. Philipp Richter, Technical University Dresden

Our first public lecture focuses on the economy of the transatlantic relationship.

Economic relations have been put under strain in recent years. Both rhetorically as well as physically, there was more disintegration than integration. So, where do we stand one year into the new decade—a decade that began with a shock of truly historical dimension—a global pandemic?

We could not be more delighted to have such a well-versed expert for this matter, Prof. Philipp Richter from Technical University Dresden, Germany. He will elaborate on economic shocks and their implications for the economies in the transatlantic sphere. 

The lecture series on the Future of Transatlantic Relations is part of our annual Ohio-Leipzig Transatlantic Student Summit.

Philipp Richter holds the Chair of International Economics at Technical University Dresden. He is an expert for International Economic Policy and specializes in Trade and the Environment, Climate Policy, Distributional Questions, and International Energy Markets. He is a research fellow at the Kiel Centre for Globalization, at the German Institute for Economic Research Berlin (DIW), and a research affiliate at the Center for Economic Studies Munich (CES ifo). Philipp published extensively on strategic environmental policy, firm behaviour, and market structures. He holds a PhD in Economics from TU Berlin, and a Diploma in International Economics from the University of Tuebingen.