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Bridging Divides: The Role of Subnational Ties in Strengthening Transatlantic Relations

The transatlantic relationship is a cornerstone of the international order and ties at the subnational level are essential for effectively addressing the common challenges facing communities on both sides of the Atlantic, now and in the future. Complex global and local issues like climate change, promoting sustainable development, and supporting workforce preparedness can be tackled by working together. As we edge into an increasingly polarized global system, strengthening subnational ties across the Atlantic is key to maintaining the transatlantic partnership.

The American Council on Germany (ACG) and the Association of German-American Centers (Verbund Deutsch-Amerikanischer Zentren, VDAZ) are excited to launch a series of digital events aimed at exploring the challenges confronting local communities and the importance of subnational diplomacy. In the coming months, we will delve into specific aspects of transnational diplomacy and how people-to-people connections help strengthening transatlantic relations for the future.

Join us on Wednesday, June 5 at 1:00 pm ET for the opening discussion with Ambassador Nina Hachigian (ret), Special Representative for City and State Diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State, and Michael Georg Link, Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation at the German Federal Foreign Ministry and Member of the German Bundestag (FDP). They will make the case for subnational diplomacy.

Registration and more information at here.

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